❤️🔥 What gets me excited about this
I love this stuff because with any art, there is literally no end to what can be created and how it can be created. Video production at all levels requires a lot of planning and thought and knowledge of tools to create a desired effect.
For anyone technically minded, it's a rabbit hole as there is technical stuff galore. For anyone creatively driven, the process to get ‘that shot’ or ‘that moment’ feels like a never-ending but ultimately very rewarding journey.
Cool, dynamic and easy to understand lessons for anyone starting out.
Great videos on how to shoot handheld on location and use fancy things like gimbals. Brandon makes things seems very easy when creating travel style/ corporate videos.
Reviews of all sorts of gear. Once you start watching, you can’t stop.
Simple, easy to understand video that provide a basic working knowledge of motion graphics. Even the way stuff still boggles my mind.
Entertaining and self effacing presenter who breaks down lighting concepts for a variety of use cases.