You're reading Scholé Supplement, the free bi-weekly newsletter of Grokkist that celebrates learning as leisure and an end in itself.

In this edition:
🎙 From guilt at leaving teaching to designing student wellbeing at scale, with Maria Fernanda Puertas | Still Curious S2 E12
🍬 Snackables - assorted awesome links

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🎙Still Curious Podcast

From guilt at leaving teaching to designing student wellbeing at scale, with Maria Fernanda Puertas | S2E12
A conversation all about what happens when a mingling of interests meets a sudden change in priorities. The moments where you change from being one kind …
Maria Fernanda Puertas is a Latina, tea lover and cat lady who is passionate about the science of learning and community building. After being a teacher and head teacher for over a decade, she made the decision to move into tech to pursue the mission of reaching a much wider audience with amazing learning experiences, and hopefully help people find what they are looking for.

A conversation all about what happens when a mingling of interests meets a sudden change in priorities. The moments where you change from being one kind of thing into another, how that happens and how you update your self-understanding along the way. Teaching moments and learning moments – the beating heart of education that enables each of us to reflect on our experiences and capitalise on those reflections in ways we can put into practice and that move us forward.  

Key Topics

  • What you lose when you stop being a teacher and reconnecting with what you love about education
  • Being in the hotseat as head teacher at the start of the pandemic and coming up with a plan to support students, teachers and parents
  • Student wellbeing and how education systems fit and discard people
  • What teachers making the transition to learning design and operations need to learn and unlearn

Detours and Tangents

  • Why it’s fun to argue with teenagers
  • Maria’s research in learning science and student wellbeing
  • What it’s like to carry around the mission of education on your shoulders
  • Complexities of translating concepts from Spanish into English

🍬 Snackables

Something Insightful

A microcosm of how movements gain momentum. At first, one weird guy doing crazy dancing by himself in a field is awkward. But after a few minutes, hundreds of people feel compelled to join in. Leaders – the most important person in your movement is your first true follower.

Something Intriguing
Product stories, with a twist. By digging deep into the dramatic creation stories of The Pill, Game Theory algorithms, and more, we uncover the everyday insights that lead to extraordinary industry pivots.

A signature theme of my podcast is that no-one is on Plan A in life, and the unplanned path often turns out to be more interesting. In the CTRL SHIFT! podcast, people who start out trying to create one thing end up creating something else, which often turns out to be more interesting. Why not start with the first episode about the scientist who studied IVF but whose legacy was to help bring the first oral contraceptive pill to market.

Something Adorable
dinos and comics

A delightful series of comics that deals with issues of friendship, loneliness and self-esteem. Drop it into your rotation for an easy pick-me-up. The author has also bravely created a 'message for my haters' page.

Something Thought-Provoking
The housing theory of everything - Works in Progress
Western housing shortages do not just prevent many from ever affording their own home. They also drive inequality, climate change, low productivity growth, obesity, and even falling fertility rates.

Well-researched article that places housing affordability at the root of a vast range of other social issues including poor health, financial instability, economic inequality, falling fertility and climate change. One doesn't have to necessarily agree with the conclusions to admire the argument.

Something Illuminating

A well-produced short video on the social function of discourse markers, filled pauses and other hesitation phenomena in language. They're not necessarily just filler or a kind of mistake.

If something in this edition of Scholé Supplement resonated with you, I'd love to hear about it! Just reply to this email with a few words.

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