💌 For when you’re ready to let yourself be seen...

Dear Friend and Fellow Traveller,

So, you’ve discovered that you might be a grokkist—one of those rare birds with a deep thirst for understanding, always navigating life with a mix of curiosity and care.

Perhaps you’ve felt like you didn’t quite fit into the usual boxes, that your squiggly path couldn’t be easily explained with a tidy label.

Maybe the question, “So, what do you do?” always left you grappling for an answer that could encompass all of who you are.

If that resonates, I want to say: welcome. You’re in good company.

At Grokkist, we believe that being a grokkist isn’t just about what you know, but how you move through the world.

It’s about the beautiful questions you ask, the way you drink deeply from the well of life, and how you find your own path, even when the destination is hazy.

And most of all, it’s about embracing your unrepeatable self and the experiences that make you, you.

That’s why I’m inviting you to join me in the Unlock Your Grok experience.

This is not just another course or a series of steps—it’s a guided journey where you’ll work on a project that’s close to your heart, with support every step of the way.

Think of it like an escape room, but instead of trying to find a way out, you’re discovering the way in.

You’ll be solving puzzles, uncovering hidden clues about yourself, and finding connections you didn’t even know were there. And just like in an escape room, there’s that thrill when a new insight clicks into place, revealing a clearer view of your path forward.

We’ll start with a series of self-paced activities designed to shake off the cobwebs and get your creative juices flowing.

You’ll reflect on questions like, what lights you up? and reconnect with those parts of yourself that might have been lying dormant for a while.

From there, you’ll move into a guided project—a space where your ideas can take shape with the gentle guidance of an experienced facilitator—we call them Groksmiths—who understand the grokkist way of going about things.

You’ll have the chance to mould something meaningful from the raw material of your curiosity and care. I'm guessing you may even already have some inkling of what you might dare to hope your project could be.

By the end, you won’t just have a project to show for it—you’ll have a story that weaves together all the threads of your journey, a story that’s uniquely and unrepeatably yours.

You’ll be able to point to what you’ve brought into the world and say, “Hey, I really did something there.” And along the way, you’ll find yourself connecting with other Grokkists, fellow travellers who understand that the path doesn’t have to be straight and narrow to be rich and fulfilling.

Whether you’ve always known what makes you come alive or you’re still searching for that spark, the Unlock Your Grok experience is here to meet you where you are.

This is your invitation to be part of something that honours the way you see the world—a place where your multifaceted self can thrive and where the ‘category-of-one’ that you are is celebrated.

I’m excited to see what we’ll create together.

If you feel that gentle nudge inside telling you that it’s time, then let’s begin this journey.

With curiosity and care,

Founder, Grokkist

Let's begin.

Suggested tuition is just USD$199*.

Take the leap – start today ↗
Can't afford it? No problem. We believe in access for all, regardless of ability to pay. Check out our "Forget About the Price Tag" pathways.

What's included?

  • Self-paced videos and exercises (30mins of video that will take you a lifetime to digest)
  • 📆 Sequence of online 1:1 meetings to discuss, develop and deploy your personal project
  • 🤩 Your own Groksmith who will act as your friend, coach, and creative midwife and create a safe and playful space for you to experiment with showing up as your 'grokkist' self
  • 🛠️ Support with tools and tech for collaborating effectively on your project
  • 🌎 We'll help you host an event via the Grokkist Network or publish your project via Grokkist Press for when you need a ready-made container to bring your project into the world
  • 🌱 Bonus 90 days of Grokkist full membership to help immerse yourself in our curious and caring community

A note on pricing

Okay, so this is the part where you might think I’m completely nuts (and maybe I am!)

Unlock Your Grok is designed as a best-in-class educational and guided 1:1 personal development experience—similar programs often cost over $2,000.

But here’s the thing: I want this to be a foundational experience for every grokkist who joins us, helping us build an incredible community together.

So, I’ve decided to offer it for just one-tenth of that price—only $199.

And if any aspiring grokkist can’t manage $199, we’ve got a way to make it work for them via our Forget About the Price Tag policy.

I’m that serious about making this accessible.

But there’s more…

With your Unlock Your Grok purchase, you’ll also receive 90 days of full Grokkist membership. That means access to all our events, discounts on courses, and a chance to immerse yourself in our community as you figure out your next steps.

There’s a spark inside – let’s see what happens when you fan the flame.

Suggested tuition is just USD$199*.

Spark something today ↗
Can't afford it? No problem. We believe in access for all, regardless of ability to pay. Check out our "Forget About the Price Tag" pathways.

What other grokkists are saying

Something I did not expect, but which has been a huge cause for celebration

Margarita Steinberg

Somehow, I don’t know how, my Guided Creative Project with Danu has brought out the Writer in me.

Danu calls it “unlatching your treasure box”. I call it Danu Magic.

For context, writing is a necessary part of the business-building aspect of running a coaching practice. It’s been languishing on my “to get my head around” list for years.

The difference is now I know I Am a Writer.

So what the project has done for me goes much further than having created one tangible expression of what has been sitting in the pipeline.

It has cleared the pipes, primed the pump, and shown me a whole new landscape I can now call my own.

I'm amazed, honored, and excited

Samuel Saltman

I just finished it and have to say - thank you, that was great. I really did have a strong emotional reaction to all the self-reflection exercises. It was a bona fide therapy session.

I want to say thank you!

Amanda Nicole

This week, I finished writing the (first) book about the Tulip Poplar tree's stories and medicine and submitted a book proposal to a publisher. I'm still getting my head around the fact that I just did that...

My engagement with you, Nathan, and Grokkist helped make the writing and submission possible. There was an alignment of heart and mind -- and listening and writing -- that was so pivotal to moving forward with this endeavor.

Unforget what lights you up

Below is a short sample video from the self-paced section of Unlock Your Grok that will give you a flavour of what to expect.


What is this experience going to be like?

  • 🏃‍➡️ Move forward with clarity and confidence and unlock parts of yourself that have been waiting for recognition.
  • 🤹‍♂️ Learn and grow through a structured yet flexible process that allows you to experiment without fear of failure.
  • 🤗 Reflect on your growth and gain acknowledgement and encouragement from peers who will help you feel seen and valued.
  • 🌈 You do you: we are inclusive and neurodivergent-friendly, all our activities are offered without obligation, and you're always in the driver's seat.
  • 🎯 Tangible progress: by the end of the experience, you will surprise yourself with something real you have brought into the world that is wise and wonderful.

Real project examples

Want to discuss your project idea before you take the leap?

We've built in plenty of opportunities to workshop ideas for your project as part of your Unlock Your Grok experience.

But, if you want to test the suitability of an idea or run some thoughts past us before you even begin, that's ok too!

Use our all-purpose answering machine below to leave a message with whatever's on your mind.

Take the First Step.

Suggested tuition is just USD$199*.

Begin today ↗
Can't afford it? No problem. We believe in access for all, regardless of ability to pay. Check out our "Forget About the Price Tag" pathways.

😫 I don't even have a project in me to give! I'm not ready! I could never! Arrrgh...

Hey, let’s take a breath together. 💛

I know how easy it is to feel that rush of panic when you’re stepping into something new, especially when you’re afraid of being truly seen.

Maybe you’re used to feeling like you’re never quite enough, no matter how many times you’ve proved otherwise.

Maybe you’ve been the person who holds it all together for everyone else, but when it comes to your own potential, the voice inside whispers, “Not you.”

And yet, I believe that voice isn’t the whole story.

There’s a part of you—a deeper, quieter part—that knows there’s more inside. A part that wants to break free from the fear and show up fully, even if it’s terrifying.

We’re not here to rush you past your nerves or gloss over the hard parts.

Thresholds are powerful places, and it’s natural to feel uncertain when you stand at the edge of something new. (There’s a reason we chose a door as our imagery, after all!)

But what if those tingles of fear were actually the first stirrings of excitement?

If you’re not ready to dive in just yet, that’s okay. Start small. Join us at one of our events and simply be there—no pressure, no expectations.

Watch as others, just as nervous as you, take a deep breath and share their projects. You’ll see the relief in their eyes when they realise they’re among friends, that they are worthy of being seen exactly as they are.

And maybe, just maybe, you’ll start to believe that you are too.

You’re welcome to come and witness as often as you need. There’s something magic about watching someone else reach their next horizon—it’s a reminder that you can reach yours too.

No one’s going to push you into anything you’re not ready for. But I want to leave you with one thought:

“Nobody said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.” – Dr Seuss

You’ve already shown you’re capable of so much. Maybe it’s time to let yourself see it too.

Something inside you is ready to be seen – are you?

Suggested tuition is just USD$199*.

Do your favourite self a favour ↗
Can't afford it? No problem. We believe in access for all, regardless of ability to pay. Check out our "Forget About the Price Tag" pathways.

Still have questions?

Get in touch!