Reflections on taking the Quantic Executive MBA
Finally, an online-first school that doesn't simply try to replicate the worst aspects of traditional classroom education – lectures, textbooks and tedious assessment.
Danu is a writer, thinker, and enthusiast of human systems who delights in facilitating others towards flourishing. He brings these threads together as a social entrepreneur and founder of Grokkist.
Finally, an online-first school that doesn't simply try to replicate the worst aspects of traditional classroom education – lectures, textbooks and tedious assessment.
🎬 Redefining education: Old School School music video ✍🏼 The space between people 🎙 Still Curious Podcast - Conscious, creative and caring virtual learning with Seth Fleischauer 🍬 Snackables - assorted awesome links
If we want to avoid letting school interfere with education – that is, if we want to avoid confusing how we do learning with what it's for – we will first need to deschool our minds. This is easier said than done.
Over the next decade, long-overdue digital transformation means that tech money and the aims, aspirations and assumptions that come with it are likely to fundamentally reshape what education looks like. Software eats the world and education is next on the menu.
✍🏼 Oh, but darling, what if you fly? - by Danu Poyner 🎙 Still Curious Podcast - Navigating the passing of a loved one with estate planning lawyer and author Robert Kabacy 🤲 Grokkist Guide To The Beatles - by Trevor Poyner 🍬 Snackables - assorted awesome links
✍🏼 Best, Bored, Bad, Becoming 🎙 From classroom to corporate with TESOL teacher and instructional designer Diego Boada 5️⃣ Links - Danu Poyner's 5 links for grokking Pixar 🍬 Snackables
✍🏼 Old School School 🎙 TikTok teaching and activism with philoso-rapper Nathan Dufour Oglesby aka 'Nathanology' 5️⃣ Links - Charlotte Perry-Houts' 5 links for grokking humane technology
✍🏼 School is a state of mind 🎙 Cristina Huidiu, from hating math to being a data analyst 5️⃣ Links - Isabel Thompson's 5 links for grokking web3 🗯 Lessons Learned - Cristina Huidiu reviews The Big Book of Dashboards
✍🏼 Introductions 🎙 James Birt - mixed reality, computer games and e-sports educator 5️⃣ Links - Myles Tankle's 5 links for grokking video editing, lighting and cinematography 🗯 Lessons Learned - Danu Poyner reviews the Quantic EMBA program