Danu Poyner

Danu Poyner

Auckland, New Zealand

Danu is a writer, thinker, and enthusiast of human systems who delights in facilitating others towards flourishing. He brings these threads together as a social entrepreneur and founder of Grokkist.

126 posts
Scholé Supplement #6

Scholé Supplement #6

🎬 Redefining education: Old School School music video ✍🏼 The space between people 🎙 Still Curious Podcast - Conscious, creative and caring virtual learning with Seth Fleischauer 🍬 Snackables - assorted awesome links

Scholé Supplement #5

Scholé Supplement #5

✍🏼 Oh, but darling, what if you fly? - by Danu Poyner 🎙 Still Curious Podcast - Navigating the passing of a loved one with estate planning lawyer and author Robert Kabacy 🤲 Grokkist Guide To The Beatles - by Trevor Poyner 🍬 Snackables - assorted awesome links

Scholé Supplement #4

Scholé Supplement #4

✍🏼 Best, Bored, Bad, Becoming 🎙 From classroom to corporate with TESOL teacher and instructional designer Diego Boada 5️⃣ Links - Danu Poyner's 5 links for grokking Pixar 🍬 Snackables

Scholé Supplement #3

Scholé Supplement #3

✍🏼 Old School School 🎙 TikTok teaching and activism with philoso-rapper Nathan Dufour Oglesby aka 'Nathanology' 5️⃣ Links - Charlotte Perry-Houts' 5 links for grokking humane technology

Scholé Supplement #2

Scholé Supplement #2

✍🏼 School is a state of mind 🎙 Cristina Huidiu, from hating math to being a data analyst 5️⃣ Links - Isabel Thompson's 5 links for grokking web3 🗯 Lessons Learned - Cristina Huidiu reviews The Big Book of Dashboards

Scholé Supplement #1

Scholé Supplement #1

✍🏼 Introductions 🎙 James Birt - mixed reality, computer games and e-sports educator 5️⃣ Links - Myles Tankle's 5 links for grokking video editing, lighting and cinematography 🗯 Lessons Learned - Danu Poyner reviews the Quantic EMBA program

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